Luca Campigotto


2018, Hardcover, Italian
16x22 cm, 288 pages
ISBN: 9788898391813

€ 30,00
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Disorient, a poetic license that smacks of distance. 23 stories and 115 photographs. Travel, landscapes, memory. From Venice to India and China, passing through Easter Island and Arizona. Glaciers, beaches, deserts. The myth of New York and the attraction to the Middle East. Merchants, photographer-explorers, missionaries and camel drivers. The archeology of the Roman Empire and industry. The evocative power of places. An old broken compass, the waves of the Strait of Magellan. The mountains of the Great War. Lost loves and forever loves. The passion for poetry, adventure cinema. The scenarios of history, the nocturnal metropolises, the boundless nature through the images and words of a great landscape photographer.

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Luca Campigotto
(Venezia, 1962) Photographer living between Milan and New York. After his degree in Modern History, with a thesis on travel literature in the age of the great geographic discoveries, he turned to landscape photography, completing projects all over the world. A dedicated writer as well, his poetry has appeared in Nuovi Argomenti, and his writings are collected in the book Disoriente. Campigotto created the 2014 Epson calendar and the 2016 GEO Special-New York calendar. In 2015, he received the Hemingway Prize for best photography book.