Sandro Becchetti

L'inganno del vero

Tracce di un percorso in soggettiva

Postwords series, 23
2015, Softcover, Italian
12x20 cm, 192 pages
ISBN: 9788898391592

€ 13,50
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Twenty personal writings and eighty-five black and white photographs. Sandro Becchetti is a photographer who reads the world and finds the inspiration of living using the "narrative ability" of his Pentax, the chisel that carves wood and the writing that harnesses the flow of time and reflection.

The deception of the truth is the manifesto, and even more the intellectual testament, dedicated to the solitary profession of the photographer: which forces us to look ourselves in the eyes of others, infinitely multiplying the perceptions and translations of reality.

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Sandro Becchetti
(Rome, 1935-2013) He began his work as a photographer in the mid-sixties. His work documents a strong attention to the social, cultural and political changes happened during the last decades in Italy. He collaborated with the most important national newspapers and magazines, with RAI channels, BBC channel and France Presse; his photographs appeared on Life and Libération. He exposed his works in exhibitions at private galleries as well as at public institutions in Italy and abroad.