Giuseppe Leone


L’isola del pensiero

2015, Hardcover, Italian
17,5x24,5 cm, 176 pages
ISBN: 9788898391547

€ 35,00
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Sicilia. L’isola del pensiero is a poetic and photographic work by Giuseppe Leone. The photographs are accompanied by literary and poetic passages by great and illustrious writers who have traveled through the suggestive Sicilian places. An excursus of images and words by authors who depart from Pindaro to the present day, creating an analogy of time and space, mind and observation. Through Sicilia. L’isola del pensiero you can rediscover the beauty of Sicily in verses and frames.

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Giuseppe Leone
Born in Ragusa where he lives and works, he began by illustrating the volume by Antonino Uccello La civiltà del legno in Sicilia (Cavallotto, 1972). Since then, his photographs have illustrated numerous books, catalogs and magazines by Italian and foreign publishers. Among the best-known publications: La civiltà del legno in Sicilia with texts by Rosario Assunto and Mario Giorgianni (Sellerio, 1978); La Contea di Modica with text by Leonardo Sciascia (Electa, 1973); L’Isola Nuda with text by Gesualdo Bufalino (Bompiani, 1988); Il Barocco in Sicilia e Sicilia Teatro del Mondo with texts by Vincenzo Consolo (Bompiani, 1991); L’Isola dei Siciliani with texts by Diego Mormorio (Peliti Associati, 1995). He has exhibited with numerous personal exhibitions in Italy and abroad.