Stefano Giogli

Going slowly

Andare piano

with essays by Giovanna Calvenzi and Paola Rondini

2016, Hardcover, Swiss binding
Bilingual: Italian / English
26,5x22 cm, 100 pages
ISBN: 9788898391530

€ 30,00
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«At one point Stefano Giogli forced himself to slow down, to learn to see again, at a slow pace, at a different pace. And he has chosen photography once again. He has chosen to "see" without anyone entrusting him, without priority objectives. To learn the difficult art of contemplation.» — Giovanna Calvenzi

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Stefano Giogli
Born in 1965, he lives and works in Città di Castello (Pg). Self-taught, photographer since 2000, of photography he loves the visible and the invisible. Winner in 2012 of the VIII Bastianelli Award for the best first photobook; winner of the 2010 Portfolio Italia, Epson Grand Prix; winner of the reading Portfolio SI Fest 2010 Savignano Images. He has exhibited his work in numerous events in Italy and abroad, including Fotografia Festival Internazionale di Roma (2015), Les Rencontres D’Arles (2012), PhotoEspaña (2012). He has published the books L’unico eri tu (Postcart Edizioni, 2011), Reflexions Masterclass 2002–2012 Une Aventure Artistique (Ed. Actes Sud, Arles, 2012), Ad Occhi Chiusi (Caritas). He has collaborated with the magazines Io Donna of Corriere della Sera, L 'Europeo, Focus, F, Sette of Corriere della Sera, Famiglia Cristiana, L'Unita and Foto Cult. He's a member of the Reflexions-Masterclass group, directed by Giorgia Fiorio and Gabriel Bauret.