Dario Coletti

Il fotografo e lo sciamano

Dialoghi da un metro all'infinito

Postwords series, 19
2015, Softcover, Italian
12x20 cm, 168 pages
ISBN: 9788898391318

€ 13,50
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Nineteen stories to describe a simple but intense journey, between inner gazes and vision of reality, between certainties and restlessness, between clarity and ambiguity. A dense, emotional material to pave the way to knowledge. Where the most intimate reasonings adhere to the collective consciousness.

Photography as a witness to the facts, sometimes a pretext for dreams and fantasies, in its infinite possibilities to connect apparently inconsistent clues, photography as a shaman, the only one able to collect the truths on the field and summarize them in a single vision.

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Dario Coletti
Professional photographer, since the end of the eighties he has collaborated with Italian and international newspapers, institutions and humanitarian organizations. Always attentive to social issues, in recent years he has arrived at a wider-ranging photography, deepening the relationship between photography and visual anthropology and experimenting with other visual languages ​​such as documentary film. He is also involved in teaching activities and is currently coordinator of the ISFCI Photojournalism Department in Rome. He collaborates with the Malik association of Cagliari as head of the image sector within the initiative I libri aiutano a leggere il mondo (Cagliari 2013-2017), with the magazine Il Calendario del Popolo ( Rome 2013-2016) where he follows the photographic commentary column mms and where he is a member of the scientific committee, and with the online and paper magazine Sentire. His photographs are present in Italian libraries and museums.
