Diego Mormorio

Lewis Carroll, scrittore e fotografo

Scrittori e fotografia vol.2

2014, Softcover, Italian
15x21 cm, 332 pages
ISBN: 9788898391226

€ 20,00
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Lewis Carroll, photographer as writer, writer as photographer. In this second issue of the Writers and Photography series, Diego Mormorio shows the close connection between the photographic images and the literary production of Alice in Wonderland's author.

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Diego Mormorio
(Caracas, 1953) He's a writer, historian and photography critic. His work mainly deals with researches on the relations between photography, philosophy and literature. Among the books he has published: Gli scrittori e la fotografia (Editori Riuniti, 1988), Un’altra lontananza (Sellerio, 1997), Storia della fotografia (Newton Compton, 1996), Paesaggi italiani del ‘900 (Motta, 1966), Vestiti. Lo stile degli italiani in un secolo di fotografie (Laterza, 1999), Meditazione e fotografia (Contrasto, 2008), La lunga vacanza del barone Gloeden (Peliti, 2002), La regina nuda. Delazioni e congiure nella Roma dell’ultimo Papa Re (Il Saggiatore, 2006) e W Garibaldo, Tre racconti garibaldini (Punctum, 2007).