Matteo Bastianelli

The Bosnian Identity

with essays by Gigi Riva and Matteo Bastianelli

2012, Hardcover, Italian
18x24 cm, 208 pages
ISBN: 9788886795951

€ 35,00
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A journey into the memory of Bosnia. Stories from the daily life of Muslim families marked by war in different ways. A continuous path of self-awareness between the horror of a genocide and the memory of an ethnic cleansing beyond time.

A nation stuck between a desire for rebirth and pushes towards nationalism, in a still-present transition between past and future. Where suffering, hopes and black humor outline the features of a common Bosnian identity, born or perhaps only survived in the ashes of the former Yugoslavia.

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Matteo Bastianelli
Born in 1985, Matteo Bastianelli is a free-lance photographer, filmmaker and journalist based in Rome. He graduated at the "Scuola Romana di Fotografia", in 2009. Since 2007, he works on a long-term documentary projects, focusing mainly on social issues and the post-war aftermath in the Balkans. His photos have been published in many important Italian and international newspapers and magazines such as L'Espresso, Messaggero, National Geographic among others.


Newsroom, International New York Times, 14/02/2014
The scars of war in Bosnia

Letizia Palazzesi, Lettera di una lettrice, 12/02/2014
Lettera di una lettrice

Redazione, Internazionale, 06/02/2014
Cicatrici di guerra

Kerri MacDonald, The New You Times | Lens Blog, 29/01/2014
Scars, Visible and Invisible, in Bosnia

Ernesto Milanesi, Il Manifesto, 19/03/2013
Alla ricerca dell’identità fra le strade di Sarajevo

Redazione, Internazionale, 01/12/2012