Riccardo Zipoli


Fotografie dalla quarantena veneziana

2020, Hardcover
Bilingual: Italian / English
22,5x20 cm, 252 pages, 300 copies
ISBN: 9788831363303

€ 35,00
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During the coronavirus lockdown (8 March-18 May 2020), Venice took on a different but also surprising, unusual appearance. The city emptied out and was immersed in a great silence, while the air and water were clean and limpid. All around there were views of an extraordinary beauty that at the same time was disquieting, because in such contrast with the tragedy that had made it possible. The images collected here bear witness to that unique experience.

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Riccardo Zipoli
(Prato, 1952) He has been Professor Emeritus of Persian Language and Literature since 2019 at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, where he previously taught Persian Language and Literature (1975-2018) and Conceiving and Producing Photography (2010-2018). He has published numerous works on historical and stylistic subjects in the world of Persian literature. His first photographic shows were held at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London (1976), Il Diaframma, Milan (1977) and the 14th São Paulo Art Biennial (1977). In 1978, he graduated with a diploma in film direction and direction of photography from the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, Rome. His more recent exhibitions include shows at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran (2008) and the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris (2009), while his photographic collection Venice in Windows has been exhibited in several cities in Greece, Romania and Bulgaria (2013-2016). In 2018, Ca’ Foscari University commissioned him to publish a book of photographs to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the university (In Domo Foscari, Memories and Images of a University, Venice, Marsilio, 2018). For this book, he was awarded the Hemingway Prize 2019 for photography. An anthology of his works may be seen at www.riccardozipoli.com.
